Complaints Policy
Complaints Policy
We are very sorry if we haven’t been able to meet your expectations and you feel the need to bring a complaint to our attention. We are always looking for ways to improve our service and customer care and can assure you that your complaint will be dealt with sympathetically, fairly and promptly.
Stage One
If there is an issue with the service you are receiving whilst you are making arrangements for a funeral, please tell us in the first instance. We may well be able to deal with any issues you have promptly and to your satisfaction.
Stage Two
If your Funeral Director is unable to resolve your issue, or you feel that the matter warrants a formal complaint, please put your complaint in writing to:
Richard Parson
Parson Funerals Ltd
91 Fore Street
PL12 6AE
Telephone: 01752 844437
Your complaint will be acknowledged within 3 working days and you will receive a response, either by telephone, in writing, or by way of a meeting within 7 working days.
If the matter is cannot resolved to your satisfaction, you have the right to refer the matter to our professional standards body SAIF (The National Society of Allied and Independent Funeral Directors) whose Complaints Procedure is as follows;
SAIF’s Complaints Procedure
There are two steps within the complaints process:
1. Member
This is where the member’s own complaints process is instigated and works with the client to resolve the complaint.
Complainants should not submit a complaint to SAIF until they have provided the member with an opportunity to get this right.
2. SAIF’s Professional Standards Committee
SAIF’s Professional Standards Committee (our Alternative Dispute Resolution officials) are not renumerated, nor receive bonuses based on the outcome of the complaint. They can be a member of the National & Scottish Executive Committee, or a funeral director referred to the Standards Committee by the Executive Committee.
If the client is unhappy with the funeral director’s response, they can proceed to SAIF’s Professional Standards Committee, where the complaint will be investigated.
- The complaints form can be downloaded here.
- The form along with accompanying paperwork, should be either emailed to or posted for the attention of the Professional Standards Committee, SAIF Business Centre, 3 Bullfields, Sawbridgeworth, CM21 9DB.
SAIF’s full complaints procedure can be found here.
- There is no charge to refer the complaint to SAIF.
- SAIF can only accept complaints that are in English, and any response will be provided in English.
- This complaints procedure is related to SAIF members based in England, Wales, Scotland & Northern Ireland.
- All such referrals should be made within 12 months following receipt of the response from the funeral director.
If you have any queries regarding the process, please either email or telephone 0345 230 6777